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Current Projects

This project is currently active and seeking your support! Find out more or donate now.

Support the AKILI school’s STEM transformation

Kisumu, Kenya

Help us resource the Akili STEMarts Academy to deliver quality science, technology, engineering and maths education. This academy serves kids from rural, low-income families to discover their passions and potential in STEM careers.

Funded Projects

STEM camp for rural girls

Kisumu, Kenya

This grant funded an ongoing STEM camp for kids in rural Kenya. The Akili School runs this camp regularly, teaching young people emerging science and technology skills including how to code with robots.

High school scholarships for rural Kenyan girls

South West Ward, Kenya

These sponsorships covered tuition, uniforms and sanitary products for eleven girls from low-income rural families to support transition to high school.

Wheels for Education

Mwanza, Tanzania

In 2023, this project, delivered by the Child In Action Foundation and fully funded by Orica, supplied 30 bicycles to help rural girls travel safely to school.

orica funded

Hosted scholarships for rural Ethiopian students

Amhara Region, Ethiopia
This project, powered by Create Impact NGO in 2023, granted scholarships to six girls from rural families, providing tuition, accommodation, and meals during their time living on campus, without needing to travel hours to and from school or work to pay rent in a location far from home. These resilient girls can now focus purely on pursuing their education and life goals.

Emmanuel Center Girls’ Camp

Tarime, Tanzania

The Emmanuel Center girls’ camp hosted 95 girls aged 9–13 over December 2022, providing a safe and educational alternative to the traditional Kuria ritual of female genital mutilation (FGM). Safely away from the cutting ceremony, the girls learned about their options and opportunities beyond FGM and early marriage.

This annual camp offers a new community tradition – one that empowers Kuria girls and women.

Her Pad

Mwanza, Tanzania

Her Pad, delivered through the Child In Action Foundation, teaches Year 7-8 girls in rural Tanzania how to manage their periods comfortably and safely at school, and how to make their own reusable cloth sanitary pads so that their periods don’t disrupt their lives and learning.

The Sunflower Foundation has provided two grants to support the continuation of this important project across 2021-2022.

The literacy garden

Kanyawegi village, Kenya

Many girls in Kanyawegi village lack access to books, television sets, or even literate parents to read with them. They are often expected to work to support their families after school, while boys in the community play sports and do their homework.

The literacy garden provided by Riley Orton Foundation is an outdoor garden and amphitheatre where girls can engage with the environment, share and learn together. They have access to digital libraries, learning spaces, and relief from some of the after-school labour that typically disrupts their learning time.


Helping Kenyan girls qualify for secondary school

Western Kenya

The program, delivered through the Riley Orton Foundation, supports development the skills of 500 marginalised rural girls annually, to promote literacy, food security and environmental stewardship by establishing a safe environment for girls from 7 rural primary schools.

Educating and empowering orphans

Bungoma County, western Kenya

In Bungoma County in the Western part of Kenya, 117,000 children aged 8-15 are orphans. This project worked with 600 girls and young women, encouraging formal and informal education whilst empowering participants to avoid the risks of early pregnancies, early marriages and female genital mutilation.

Empowering Tanzanian girls through learning


The goal of the project is to help free girls from harmful traditional practices and attitudes that deny them education while exposing them to abuse. Our second goal is to disrupt the poverty cycle through education.